What is Sandplay
Sandplay Therapy
In the Sandplay method, the client creates representations in a container of sand, using miniatures that the client selects from a shelf.
Sand tray therapy is a form of counselling. People are invited to create three-dimensional pictures in sand trays, using miniature objects or figures with a trained therapist present. It is an expressive, non-verbal, creative approach that can be used with people of all ages.
Sand tray pictures can be reflective, and self-expressive, representing many aspects of life such as people, ideas, situations, and feelings. They can also symbolise a person’s “inner world”. People can become more aware of their unconscious and of any current difficulties in their life.
Previously unknown thoughts and feelings may emerge and become visible through the imagery and symbolic approach
that is applied. This can make sessions feel very deep and powerful.

How does it work?
Sand tray therapy is a non-verbal, expressive counselling approach that can be used with children, teenagers and adults.
It originated from Margaret Lowenfeld’s ‘World Technique’ where miniature objects and sand were used together as a form of communication. Sand tray generally uses different therapeutic approaches and techniques.
Materials used are a sand tray, water, and a collection of miniature objects which can include:
Human and fantasy figures
Fences and signs
Spiritual objects
Landscape objects
Household items

Who is it for?
It is especially indicated for children, teenagers and in cases where the person is not ready to communicate verbally. It facilitates the recovery of creativity lost in the modern lifestyle.
For preschoolers, the Sandplay method seems attractive, because it is a type of play that the child finds natural. But it also gives the opportunity to overcome the difficulty the child has in understanding and answering questions about his feelings or explaining how he feels with sufficient precision. Sand Play helps the therapist guide the child through ways of expressing themselves that are friendlier and less stressful than a question-and-answer discussion.
For adults, the temporary “bypass” of language achieved when expressing oneself through Sandplay is useful because it provides an opportunity to move away from all ingrained ways of thinking about the issues that concern us, and to access our inner world more directly.
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