Psycotherapy and
other methods
The Sandplay Art Therapy Institute (SATI)
offers a variety of therapy methods
Couple counseling
Two people are usually led into marriage by having the best feelings for each other. But there are times that result in constant arguments, estrangement and frustration, which reduce the quality of life for both spouses and the family as a whole. Couples therapy can help couples who want to stay together improve the quality of their relationship.
Routine, increased obligations, stress, lack of communication, new roles, different points of view and time itself can be some of the reasons why spouses change and instead of turning to each other, they turn to one against the other.
Couples Therapy can help couples:
• To Improve their way of Communication
• Manage their Disputes
• Increase their positive interactions
• To Change Dysfunctional Habits and Patterns in their marriage
• To Regain their Trust in each other
• Learn to manage Anger and Tension levels
• Manage their problems in specific areas – such as problems related to their parenting role, financial disputes, sexual relationships, infidelity.
• To learn more effective ways of expressing and controlling their emotions
The psychologist’s role is to work collaboratively with the
couple to find a solution that works for both.

Counseling psychotherapy
The idea of being able to solve your problems by taking the right medicine every day may sound appealing, and I wish it was. Mental and emotional problems usually have multiple causes, and medication is not a panacea. It can “relieve” the symptoms, but it can also have side effects and often does not cure the problem completely. Psychotherapy can be time-consuming and not without its own difficulties, as “unpleasant” feelings and thoughts surface along the way. However, psychotherapy provides long-term benefits and support. Recognizing and dealing with the root causes of one’s emotional or mental problems not only provides relief but also arms the person to avoid similar situations in the future.
Psychotherapy also teaches skills related to managing emotions and gradually changing behavior.
Psychotherapy is for people who want to face their fears with courage, who want to expand their lives and achieve
personal and professional goals.
• It offers a way to gain a broader “perspective” regarding our behavior, emotions and relationships.
• It provides a way to express our feelings and thought patterns.
• It relieves anxiety, depression and anger in its many forms.
• It helps us develop communication skills to deal with conflicts and frustrations.
• It is a way of dealing with emotional pain or loss, and adding meaning to our lives.
Art Therapy
Visual therapy is the therapeutic use of art (drawing, painting, etc.) in the context of the psycho-therapeutic relationship, by people experiencing mental illness, psychological trauma or seeking inner development.
It uses visual arts as a means of communication that facilitates emotional expression, combined with classical counseling and psychotherapy, to improve the individual’s emotional and mental state.
It is not necessary to have drawing or painting skills to participate in art therapy.
Art is used exclusively as a communication tool between psychotherapist and patient.